Help keep your neighborhood safe!
Report loitering, vandalism, theft: Pearland Police Department 281.997.4100
The next several weeks will be a busy time for everyone and while we might be distracted with the hustle of the holiday season, Shadow Creek Ranch wants everyone to remember a few simple tips that will help you and your family stay safe.
- While shopping you should stay alert to your surroundings.
- Don’t walk and talk on your phone and only carry what cards and cash are necessary.
- Secure your belongings out of sight and keep your purse nearby at all times.
2. The holiday season also means increased spending so be careful to protect your personal data.
- Be wary of who you provide your personal information to and watch for credit skimming devices.
- Watch your financial statements closely and report inconsistencies immediately
3. When you make your holiday purchases, stow them in the trunk prior to your next destination.
- If you are stowing packages in your trunk and then heading back in to keep shopping, move your vehicle and park in a different place.
- Make your most expensive purchase your last purchase of the day and take the item straight home.
- Criminals are watching what you are buying and whether you are going to leave it unattended in your car after you make your purchase.
4. Don’t forget to protect your home
- At home keep the outside well lit, doors locked and curtains closed.
- If you are traveling out of town have a neighbor watch your house and put your lights on a timer.
- It might be tempting to display your tree in the window for everyone to see, it’s best to keep your tree and gifts where on-lookers can’t see.
5. When it’s time to clean up remember not to advertise what gifts you received.
- Destroy the boxes or place them in sealed dark garbage bags before you set them out for garbage collection.