TCEQ Hearing Update

Provided by Village of Diamond Bay Board of Director, Heather Zayas

July 7, 2017

“Today TCEQ held their hearing on the proposed agreed order for the Blue Ridge Landfill nuisance/NOE. I attended and spoke on behalf of our community along with six other speakers. The commissioners appreciated our words. They emphasize the agency’s commitment to resolving the issue (wanting to get resolution started as soon as possible), asked for the Houston Regional Office to devote resources to be on site, and asked Blue Ridge Landfill to take proactive steps to address the issues which were described as “unacceptable” on several occasions. The agreed order was accepted as is.

Both myself, representing MUD 1, and Michael Parks representing MUD 26, requested a third-party auditor to ensure that the corrective actions proposed by Blue Ridge Landfill would be sufficient to address the issue, and to ensure execution of those actions are as required via ongoing monitoring. TCEQ indicated that they would engage in additional enforcement actions if necessary.

The City of Pearland is pursuing legal action with the landfill (not much more info available on that at this time). Thank you for the opportunity to serve. I will update again when I have more info.”