Livestrong for Shadow Creek Ranch Cancer Survivors

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is Now Being Offered to the Shadow Creek Ranch Community
Cancer is a life-changing disease that takes a tremendous physical and emotional toll on those affected. The Y and LIVESTRONG have joined together to create LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, a research-based physical activity and well-being program designed to help cancer survivors achieve their holistic health goals.
Participants work with Y staff trained in supportive cancer care to safely achieve their goals such as building muscle mass and strength; increasing flexibility and endurance; and improving confidence and self-esteem. By focusing on the whole person and not the disease, LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is helping people move beyond cancer in spirit, mind and body.
Participants: Cancer Survivors who have been cleared by their physician to participate in the program.
Program Schedule: Program schedules are TBD. Program will begin in late Spring/Early Summer
Program Location: Shadow Creek Ranch
Contact: Sam Gray or Pat Magee
281-485-6805 or
Registration/Intake: Participant must be registered in advance and complete an intake/assessment prior to the start of the program.