Girls Mentoring Lock-in

VSTAR is an organization geared toward saving all females in underprivileged areas by providing them
with more opportunities through expanding their horizons. VSTAR is a threefold organization that
offers exposure in the area of dance, mentoring, and charm. Each component of the VSTAR
organization offers an opportunity to connect with girls who are in search of building character in an
effort to become a better person. We believe that there is a need to cater to female youth between the
ages of 3 and 18 in an effort to mold, shape, and equip them with the necessary tools to become
successful women in their communities.

VSTAR invites all young girls in Shadow Creek Ranch between the ages of 9-18 to participate in a lock-in at Reflection Bay Event Center Saturday, May 6 from 4-8pm. The cost is $15 per child. It will be a wonderful evening of fun and growth! For more information, please call 832.455.4420