Due to the City of Pearland' website accessibility issues, please see the complete boil water notice issued earlier. Boil Water Notice for the City of Pearland Public Water System (PWS 0200008) January 17, 2018 Due to a major equipment failure...
Category: News
HOA office closed due to inclement weather
Due to icy condition, the Shadow Creek Ranch HOA office will be closed on Tuesday, January 16 and Wednesday, January 17. For questions or concerns, contact FirstService Residential Services, Inc. at Answers.TX@fsresidential.com or 713.932.1122
Village of Reflection Bay Residents
Attention: Village of Reflection Bay Residents The board meeting scheduled for this evening at 6:00 pm has been cancelled until further notice.
Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 26
Brazoria County Expressway New update posted on the Brazoria County Expressway site Road Closures January 16th – January 19th, Left lane closed Northbound State Highway 288 from FM 518 to Mustang Bayou. Left lane closed daily 9 AM – 3 PM.
MUD 26 Board of Directors Election
Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 26 The election is for the matter of electing three (3) directors of the Board of Directors. NOTICE of deadline to file applications for place on the ballot. Click here for details :BC MUD...
Silversand Services
Silversand Services On January 2nd 2018, the National Weather Service issued a hard freeze warning forecasting temperatures below 25°, Silversands took immediate precautionary measures to protect the community’s planting and irrigation system. There was no assessable damage to any of...
Unauthorized Bandit Signs
Unauthorized bandit signs found in the community are removed and discarded daily, the Association is not affiliated with the services provided, caution is advised. Please report solicitors to Pearland PD at 281.997.4100
Lake Management Services
Lake Management Services The fountain located at Lake Marlene North West has been malfunctioning for a couple of years. LMS is aware, they’ve changed all of the control panel parts, put different motors on, had electricians come out, and it...
SCR Common Areas
SCR Common Area Several dog-waste stations located along the walking trails in the Village of Biscayne Bay, between Nicole Terrace and Almeda were vandalized with graffiti. Below are the before/after photos of two that have been restored. Graffiti vandalism significantly...
Holiday Decoration Removal
Resident Reminder: In accordance with the community's governing documents and policies, holiday decorations must be removed by January 31.